Sunday, October 18, 2009

Finally! I am updating my blog!

This is a picture of Clara, Jordan and Crystal's daughter. In addition to it being really cute, it is the background of my phone, hence, here it is.
These are pictures from the Muhlestein family reunion. I finally got them on the computer.
Here is a pot that my Uncle Jim showed us on our trip.

This is a pretty sunset that I saw from my apartment building.

This is a rocket test put on by ATK, and my acoustics class came on a field trip here. It was really cool, and totally worth the four hours we spent total on the trip. It lasted about 2 minutes, and discharged a huge amount of fuel. Next to the plume it was about 1/3 the temperature of the sun. It also had about 150 dB at 40-50 Hz (really loud at low frequencies). We were a mile and a half away, and it was still really loud. After it had started it took the sound about five seconds to reach us. It was really, really cool. If anyone gets the chance to see one of these, you should take it.

This is after the rocket had finished. This huge plume of smoke looked like it was a volcano. A plane flew by afterward, and it apparently caused a huge fuss among authorities. I thought it looked nifty, so I took a picture.

Andrew Westover, my roommate and former mission companion, had a birthday, and he threw himself a party. He made shabu shabu, which literally means 'splash splash'. It was really tasty.

My acoustics class also went to Eagle Mountain and we did a survey of noise related issues from a skate park. It was really fun. This is my advisor, Dr. Gee.

This is a sound level meter, which we used to measure how loud things were at various places.

Here is a picture of some houses nearby the skate park. The most vocal complainer of the noise lives on the right-most house.

Here is a picture of the skate park and our little outpost (the blue tent on the left hand).

Here is our group. We ordered pizza, and they delivered to a blue tent in the middle of a field! It was also really, really good pizza. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience.

Pretty fall pictures around Provo.

Well, that concludes the various pictures that I have finally been able to put online. I lost my cord, but Daddy and Mother decided that I needed to get them online before Christmas, so I was allowed to borrow Daddy's cord. Life is going well, I'm busy and really enjoying physics. Perhaps a little too much...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

How Michael Gets Sunburns

Well, I don't really have many pictures of this. I guess my wit will have to carry you through on this one. The week before last we went to the Muhlestein family reunion. That was great. On Thursday we arrived (and that's about all we did, as it took us a while to get there).

Friday we went on a three hour hike (a three hour hike...). Like my commentary suggests, it took longer than that to do, primarily because not everyone could keep up with Uncle Jim, even on his slower speeds. Daddy tried to slow him down by making him carry Macey, Peggy and Seth's daughter and his granddaughter, but he kept up the speed as usual. Dennis commented on how he knew that that would happen, and then the others wouldn't have any excuses. We went down one side of a canyon, went up the other, hike a little bit, went down a little bit and saw a really cool Anasazi pot. It's pretty well hidden from the casual viewer. We had lunch, and everyone drank all of their water at this point. We went back up, over and down, then took a turn and went and saw seven kivas. That was really cool, but everyone was getting really thirsty, as it was hot, so people started to want to leave. Before we left, however, Uncle Jim gave us a brief lecture on the Anasazi. The main point he wanted to leave with us was that the Anasazi, while interesting, were not good people, being very violent, hateful and even canaballistic. We hiked back out and went back to the cabin. Everyone was dehydrated, and even though I didn't get any real sunburns (for once I actually put on sunscreen), I do think that I came down with either severe dehydration or mild heat exhaustion, as I had a headache and was quite naseous on the ride home. Back at the cabin we had Hawaiian haystacks, and I took some medicine and went to bed. Mother took Tanner, Elisabeth and Ruth Checketts and went back up to Bountiful, as Tanner needed to weigh in for football.

Saturday I woke up and found that the very edges of my neck had been singed slightly. We then went to Bluff to see some cool exhibit on the Hole in the Rock-ers. Gerald Lund has a new book out about them called the Undauntables, I think. They were really cool folk. On all of these drives I spent a lot of time with the cousins about my age (i.e. Uncle Randy's kids) and found that they are really cool, not annoying, and have really shnazzy music tastes. One song in particular that has stuck with me is a song from Slumdog Millionaire called Jai Ho. I am finding more and more people who like Bollywood. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to watch the show Lagaan, which I hear is one of the best that Bollywood has to offer. Back at the cabin, we had lunch of Navajo Tacos and then took a nap. In the evening we had a big family history shindig and learned about a lot of my ancestors on my paternal side of my family. We had to cut it a little short as me and my family needed to get home for church. Well, mostly my family. We drove home through the night.

Sunday, as a brief note, I messed up on my alarm and found myself waking up at about ten o'clock. My church started at nine. I decided to, instead, go to Kathryn's ward, which was fun attending with her.

That Thursday (same week, three days ago) was Daddy's birthday and I got to go and get ice cream with Kathryn with Daddy. That was fun.

Friday I cleaned. A lot. I got everything ready for cleaning checks and went north to Bountiful. We had Chinese food and went to bed a little early for Saturday.

Saturday I hiked Timp. We got up at about 4:00, got ready and went to Salt Lake to pick up Dr. Shou and Dr. Tzu (I'm guessing at the spelling of the names) and headed for Timpanookee. It was just light enough that we could see where we were going. It was slightly cool, but I had a sweater on. It never got cold, and soon everyone had doffed their warmer clothes. When the sun came out I rolled down my sleeves and donned my hat so that I looked like a newsie sort of. The only problem was that it didn't really cover my neck, so those parts of my neck that weren't slightly burnt before became burnt. None of my burns were bad though, so I am all right. We got to the top in good time. Daddy felt really tired so he stopped at the saddle and didn't summit with us. George got to go for the first time this time, and he really liked it except for the fact that he started to get a little sick from the altitude. Tanner nearly ran up the whole thing, except for us restraining him. The Chinese doctors did very well, though they were also tired by the end. Once we started back down, George realized he had run out of water. Shortly thereafter, Tanner ran out of water. I was next, then Morgan and then Daddy. And this was before we got even a fourth of the way back down. And it was rather hot for a hike. Needless to say I got dehydrated, as did everyone else. I also got blisters regardless of two pairs of socks, boots and a spare change of socks which I used somewhere on the way back down (testimony of my sedentary lifestyle of the summer). About five minutes above the upper falls, Daddy fell and twisted his ankle. He sent George, Tanner, Morgan and me on ahead, as we were all dehydrated and it wouldn't help for us to be there, and he slowly limped down aided by the two doctors. Can you think of a better way of getting injured on the trail than on the way down with two doctors as your helpers? Dr. Sho had also saved a bit of his water, which saved my father greatly. Mother was at the bottom of the path waiting (I think) with ice water and food. Iwas most grateful for those things, and was thoroughly tired. I also got very stiff and achy joints. I took medicine and went to bed at 8:30'ish.

Sunday came around and I woke up, with much less stiffness, though the blisters are still there.

And there you have it! Hopefully it was entertaining enough to read the whole way through, notwithstanding the lack of pictures. Wait, I do have one! Just, I didn't take it...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Boone Family Reunion '09

Let's see, for me the whole thing started on Saturday, July 18, when I headed up to Bountiful. I went up on Saturday as I needed to give a talk on Sunday with Daddy as his return missionary companion. We spoke on the Articles of Faith in the 9th branch. That branch is way cool. It is the retired people's branch next to this one hospital which I can't remeber what is called. It is in Bountiful. Naturally.

After we finished that assignment, I went back to the home (4th) ward to listen to Christina talk in sacrament meeting. After church, we had choir, dinner and headed off. We drove my car to Provo and then I helped in driving all of us through the night to Snowflake, AZ. When I say we in this case, it includes Mother, Daddy, Joseph, Maren, me, Kathryn, Elisabeth, Christina, Morgan, Tanner, George, Mary, Whitney Checketts, Laura Checketts, Lietta Checketts and Uncle Samuel. We got to Snowflake safely even though we drove right through the wreck site of 18 years ago. I guess that the curse may only work if we are going north from the family reunion! We still don't know, as will be commented on later in the post.

We got to Silver Creek Campground not first, but close. We set up tents, had lunch and started the talking, playing and general rendevous'ing.

The various activities that we had available to us were volleyball, canoeing and rowing, swimming (although the famous slide down the dam had fallen apart, making it unusable), softball, basketball, a little train for the youngest children (which I got to drive for a while before the tractor pulling it became too persnicity), an assortment of crafts, food galore, morning devotionals, evening programs, board and card games, group games like mafia and "how's yours?", and, of course, visiting with family. The underlined ones are the ones that I took part in.

Everyone had their own experiences leading to a varied but very good time for everyone. The last night there we had a nice slide show that Daddy put on. There were lots of pictures of people. After about an hour or so, Daddy got up and said that his pictures went on forever, but the night didn't, so he cut it. You can probably get a copy of it from him, which has a lot more very hi-res pictures than I do.

Friday night was an all nighter for many. I went to bed, then got up and watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow until 2:30 in the morning. Saturday we packed up the camp and headed home. Joseph, Maren, Whitney, Laura, Lietta and Uncle Samuel left Friday night, so they weren't with us. A few hours after leaving Daddy suddenly had thought that we should go and see the Grand Canyon, which none of us had had the opportunity to see before. So we headed off and saw it. I must say that any picture or model I have ever seen never comes close to the actuality of the canyon. Even looking at it from above doesn't give it justice. It is an amazing hole in the ground. I recommend it to any interested. However, going and seeing the Grand Canyon led to our arrival in Provo, where Kathryn and I disembarked, at 4:00 in the morning. Poor Daddy had a meeting to go to at 6:30. We went north via Cedar City, so we bypassed the wreck site, so we don't know if the "curse" is still active if it ever existed. The only reason I call it a curse is because Daddy called it a jinx, and for some reason when I started this post I called it a curse instead of a jinx, and don't feel like going back and fixing it.

In summary, I think that this past week was a wonderful week. The fact that Wyatt Klaus Muhlestein was born and Elisabeth had a birthday during this time makes it even cooler.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Life Update

So I went for a hike up Y mount recently, and here are some pictures of the hike. The other people are people in my ward, Kirsten, (who is also a physicist [hence, I know her]), her fiance, Jimmy, and her room mate, Jen.

We also went and visited the Oquirreh Mountain Temple. It was really pretty. I liked it a lot. Definitely up there on my favorite temple list.

On my second to last day at the tutorial lab during Spring Semester, I built a tower, which I call Ode to the Lab.
Well, my life is pretty normal. These are just some samples. I also have been looking for a new job and going on bike rides and learning about programming from my roommates. We are working on a trebuchet game. Pretty darn fun.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Provo in the Summer

This past few weeks I have come to notice that the world of Provo becomes very, very, green during the summer. I took a few pictures around campus and town. See if you can identify the various locations!

This house looked really cool, so I took a picture of it. Maybe later I will find my favorite style of house and get a picture of it.

I'll make a competition out of this, and say the person who gets the most correct, first (assuming multiple perfect scores), will get something from me. We will talk and figure out what would be suitable.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Catch Up

Well, it's been a while since I updated my blog, so I decided to play a bit of catch up.  Via pictures!
While I've been here at Provo, I realized that I have an awful lot of free time on my hands, and so to keep myself productive, I tried my hand at photography.  This one of the tractor and Mt Timpanogos I liked, as well as the following two.  If you want to tell me your favorite, offer advice on how to do better ones, or have requests, feel free to leave them as comments, or just talk to me about it!

These are pictures from some research that I've been doing.  We have been doing acoustical tests on exploding balloons, which are apparently very commonplace in chemistry classes.  Due to the fact that recently an older lady lost her hearing due to these, we decided that it was time for a full fledged project.  As you can tell we got balloon shreds everywhere.  Guess who cleaned it up.  That's right, me.  I love my research!
This is actually one of my pictures that I took on my photography day, but I put it here because I went and hiked the Y and forgot to take pictures of it!  Jordan, I did some calculations, using a good deal of estimation, but I got it:  2.24 miles from the shore to the stadium.  This is off by about a mile, but, hey!  I used the sun, some rough time measurements and the elevation change from the valley floor to the Y to figure that out!  Not too shabby if you ask me.
I went on a campout with my home stake for their stake conference priesthood session.  It was fun.  This is a picture of some of the boys huddling around a fire early in the morning.
Most recently (ie yesterday) Rachel Checketts had a birthday water party!  It was also a lot of fun.  We had lots of water (too much at the end, while I was trying to dry off, but, hey), food, family and friends and fun.

This is where I live.  I live with Ryan Coatney and Roy Hammel.  We are possibly the nerdiest apartment in the world, seeing as I am a physics, Ryan is a math and Roy is a CS major.

Well, that is most of the interesting things in my life.  The final one is that I just got a new calling in my ward:  I am now an assistant ward clerk.