Sunday, May 31, 2009

Catch Up

Well, it's been a while since I updated my blog, so I decided to play a bit of catch up.  Via pictures!
While I've been here at Provo, I realized that I have an awful lot of free time on my hands, and so to keep myself productive, I tried my hand at photography.  This one of the tractor and Mt Timpanogos I liked, as well as the following two.  If you want to tell me your favorite, offer advice on how to do better ones, or have requests, feel free to leave them as comments, or just talk to me about it!

These are pictures from some research that I've been doing.  We have been doing acoustical tests on exploding balloons, which are apparently very commonplace in chemistry classes.  Due to the fact that recently an older lady lost her hearing due to these, we decided that it was time for a full fledged project.  As you can tell we got balloon shreds everywhere.  Guess who cleaned it up.  That's right, me.  I love my research!
This is actually one of my pictures that I took on my photography day, but I put it here because I went and hiked the Y and forgot to take pictures of it!  Jordan, I did some calculations, using a good deal of estimation, but I got it:  2.24 miles from the shore to the stadium.  This is off by about a mile, but, hey!  I used the sun, some rough time measurements and the elevation change from the valley floor to the Y to figure that out!  Not too shabby if you ask me.
I went on a campout with my home stake for their stake conference priesthood session.  It was fun.  This is a picture of some of the boys huddling around a fire early in the morning.
Most recently (ie yesterday) Rachel Checketts had a birthday water party!  It was also a lot of fun.  We had lots of water (too much at the end, while I was trying to dry off, but, hey), food, family and friends and fun.

This is where I live.  I live with Ryan Coatney and Roy Hammel.  We are possibly the nerdiest apartment in the world, seeing as I am a physics, Ryan is a math and Roy is a CS major.

Well, that is most of the interesting things in my life.  The final one is that I just got a new calling in my ward:  I am now an assistant ward clerk.


  1. I must say that you did a vey good job on your peictures even with lots of free time. So do you think you could do more pictures of your apartment I would really like that and tell us more anout your every day life I would love that! LOVE MaRY

  2. My favorite picture is the one of your research with that big arc moving through it and the guy looking up. It has a nice composition and interesting lines.


Leave me a comment! About nearly anything! Just don't mention koala bears!!!