Sunday, July 24, 2011

Life as we know it

Well, summer is come and is now heading out. Since I have held radio silence for the past 6 months, I thought I would let all know what is going on with my life right now.
This summer I have been doing research with Dr. Gee. I study very intense sound wave propagation, also known as a part of nonlinear acoustics. I got to go with our research group here at BYU to the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) conference in Seattle where I presented two papers. I also got to associate with some really neat people at the conference, many of whom are really big names in the society. It made me feel like a real acoustician.
Another fun thing that I have had the opportunity to do this summer is go out to the Salt Flats and do some acoustical testing of exploding balloons. It was grand. Here are some pictures that might interest you.

All right, so the first picture isn't at the Salt Flats, but I was blowing up balloons then as well. And by blowing them up, I mean I was recording the acoustical data. These pictures were taken by a colleague of mine named John Boyle. They are pretty cool looking.

My church callings are presently ordinance worker at the Provo Temple, elder's quorum teacher and stake institute co-chair. Or, maybe just chair, as there hasn't been another co-chair called.

And I feel like having another random picture, so here:

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