Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It has been a while...

Hello world!

I just read an article in the Ensign about using blogging to share your testimony.  I think it is interesting that every time I have heard about using social networking to share your testimony I have usually just blocked it out.  But not this time!  I read it and felt pumped.  So I will now share.

Natalie has been in Utah for the past week and a half while I have stayed at home here in Texas.  It has been a difficult experience, but I feel that I am getting closer to my Father in Heaven and to my Savior because of it.

I miss my family a lot, but in my sadness I have turned more to God.

I remember that we are commanded to be joyful.  I have many things to be grateful for.  My family still loves me and are coming home in another week and a half.  I have a nice apartment and a warm bed.  I have lots of opportunities to cook tasty food.  I can go to movies without getting a babysitter.  I get to make my own schedule, sleep when I want to.  And, I have plenty of time to contemplate my life, and together with the Spirit find what is lacking, and make plans to improve.

I don't need to be sad, even when my family is away.

P.S.  Here is a picture of us with our Halloween costumes.

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