Sunday, January 24, 2016

I think I'm supposed to learn something...

Natalie and kids have been gone for two full weeks now.  One of the silver linings to my family being out of town in that I don't need to find a babysitter so I can go and attend the temple.  The closest temple is in San Antonio, which in the past has taken about an hour and a half to get to from Austin.  So, two weeks ago I reserved a spot for the 4:30 session on Saturday.  I got going, and found that traffic was exceptionally bad, and arrived at the temple at about 4:50.  So I did sealings instead and felt the Spirit and was edified.

Natalie told me that I should do at least one session while she is away, so I dutifully scheduled another spot for Friday at 6:30.  I knew the traffic would be rather bad, so I left at about 4:20, thinking that a little more than two hours would be enough to get there, right?  I brought Sunday clothes to change into and took off.  Well, traffic was bad again and we were driving straight towards the setting sun.  I arrived at the temple parking lot at about 6:15, ran and changed, decided to leave my street clothes in the car, and went into the temple.  I walked in at 6:22, and was two minutes late, since the close the session ten minutes to.  I felt a little sad, since if I had taken my clothes with me or just gone in my street clothes I would have made it, but I did some initiatories and again felt the Spirit.  I even learned some new things!

I am going to try to go one more time this up-coming week.  My plan is to leave a full 3 hours before hand (if I am going in the evening again; I might try the morning of Saturday).  I think there are two lessons to learn from my efforts.  The first is that traffic between Austin and San Antonio is really bad.  The second is that I feel the Lord wanted me to do more than just sessions.  I don't think I was being negligent in trying to get to the temple, so maybe I was supposed to do sealings and initiatories.  I did feel the Spirit each time, so I think it was okay.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It has been a while...

Hello world!

I just read an article in the Ensign about using blogging to share your testimony.  I think it is interesting that every time I have heard about using social networking to share your testimony I have usually just blocked it out.  But not this time!  I read it and felt pumped.  So I will now share.

Natalie has been in Utah for the past week and a half while I have stayed at home here in Texas.  It has been a difficult experience, but I feel that I am getting closer to my Father in Heaven and to my Savior because of it.

I miss my family a lot, but in my sadness I have turned more to God.

I remember that we are commanded to be joyful.  I have many things to be grateful for.  My family still loves me and are coming home in another week and a half.  I have a nice apartment and a warm bed.  I have lots of opportunities to cook tasty food.  I can go to movies without getting a babysitter.  I get to make my own schedule, sleep when I want to.  And, I have plenty of time to contemplate my life, and together with the Spirit find what is lacking, and make plans to improve.

I don't need to be sad, even when my family is away.

P.S.  Here is a picture of us with our Halloween costumes.