Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Next Update...

Well, life moves on.  I realize that I am a terrible blogger, but that's ok.  To be honest, I am somewhat proud that I don't blog very much, primarily because it means that I am doing other things with my time.  I spend a lot of time talking with my wife, I spend a lot of time on school work, and I spend a lot of time with my new son, Adam.

Here is a picture of Adam James Muhlestein.  Despite appearances, he does have a left leg.  He was born one month premature on October 24, 2013.  He spent a very short time in the NICU (about 10 days), and then came home.  All is going well.  He started out 4 lb 1 oz, and is now up to 7 lb 4 oz as of last Monday.  This picture is when he was about 3 weeks old.

In other news, I am now attending the University of Texas at Austin studying acoustics through the mechanical engineering department.  In particular, I study what are called acoustic metamaterials.  These are materials that are really just specially designed composite materials (for example, small air bubbles in water).  These materials can have rather exotic behaviors which might allow for such cool applications as cloaking devices for submarines.  I'm just working on the material side of things, though.

Also, I just thought that I would note that I have to go on two interstates (I-1 and I-35) to get to church every week.