Sunday, June 3, 2012


I don't know what prompted me to write this post, but here are a few of my favorites with some explanations.  Note that just because I say it is my favorite here, does not mean that it is my favorite tomorrow, etc.

Favorite Painting:  Saint Cecilia and the Angel.  Orazio Gentileschi
I first saw this painting in Mr. Hall's art history class.  It is not really a famous painting, and Saint Cecilia is a rather obscure saint (of music), but I took to this painting right away.  I was just enamored by the depiction of Saint Cecilia.  She seems so simple, beautiful and clean.  She has her sleeves rolled up so that she can work (play the organ).  It also seems like she could relate to me.  When I saw it, it took me about thirty seconds to realize that there was an angel or an organ in the picture.  To be honest, realizing that there were these other accouterments actually detracted from the painting a little for me.

Favorite Sculpture:  Dying Gaul.  Epigonos?
Again, Mr. Hall's class, but when I saw it there, I thought nothing of it.  However, when Mother and Daddy took me on my senior trip to Italy, I got the chance to see it in person.  I am not sure what it was that got me, but this statue just spoke to me (metaphorically).  I think I circled it five times in a busy day just looking at it.  There is so much emotion built into this one sculpture.  It is amazing.

Favorite Church:  San Vitale.

I thought that this was going to be a great church when I first learned about it.  I got to visit it in Ravenna as well.  It is a small church, but it met up to my expectations and more.  The octagonal design was genius, the decoration very appropriate (lots of mosaics), history fascinating (for example, Charlemagne copied his private chapel after this; he thought that the second floor was for nobility while here it was reserved for the women), and not very well visited.  Mother and Daddy both commented that I was most excited for this church, and I think that I agree.  Somewhere out there, there is a cool little program online that lets you see what it looks like from the center and you can change your viewing angle, which is probably the best thing after going to Ravenna to see it yourself.  If you do decide to go, maybe I can come too...?  :)

Favorite Soup/Stew/Chowder:  Mother's Oven Stew or Clam Chowder.
I couldn't find a picture that adequately represents the delicious splendor that is Mother's oven stew.  Which of these I would rather eat really depends on the day, but either are fine choices.  I would be happy to eat either of these any season of the year.  Even if it is a hundred degrees out, I think I might still want some of this piping hot and fresh out of the oven/pot.  As the bowl says, "Mmm, mmm, good!"

Favorite Mathematical Subject:  PDE's (Partial Differential Equations).
The above equations are used in MHD (magneto-hydrodynamics), which describes the dynamics of charged fluids, such as plasmas, neutron stars, possibly clouds, etc.  I think that the reason I like PDE's so much is because they are how physicists describe the world around them right now.  I will sometimes sit in church and think to myself, "Hmm.  This gospel principle follows this sort of function.  That sort of function is likely to appear from this sort of differential equation.  I wonder what sort of underlying mechanisms there are that would give one such an equation."  And then I go on to further contemplate the gospel principle, trying to better understand it from that point of view.  I also will relate the gospel other concepts in physics.  For example, I once realized that quantum tunneling can be related to the atonement of Jesus Christ.

I hope you all enjoyed my random post!