Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Texas Trip

This past week Kathryn, Christina, Josh and Elisabeth and I all drove to Texas. Here is a day-to-day synopsis, with some special emphases.

On Friday, just after 7:30 we all piled into my car and drove out of town. The interesting thing here is the fact that not three days earlier I had slid my car off the road. No serious damage was done (I seem to have lost parts of my front bumper), but the thought of unknown damages haunted us. Also, the radio was locked, so we drove in silence (sound-system wise; we talked a lot). We drove through the night and...

On Saturday we kept driving. We had breakfast in Albuquerque (Village Inn), and then drove straight to Dallas. We arrived in Irvine at Joseph's house at about 6:00 PM. I must say that Nicholas and Lexi are two of the most cute kids that exist. We had a wonderful dinner (thanks, Maren!) and played Rook. We then went to bed (couch cushions for me).

On Sunday we got up leisurely and had breakfast. Church was very nice, and then home teachers came over. Then we had dinner, which was also amazing. Basically, food wise, every thing was fantastic. Kathryn's old mission companion Felicia Norris came over for the evening, as well. She is pretty hysterical. It was fun having her around. We tried to go and look at Christmas lights, but it didn't work out too well. The line for the lights we wanted to see was huge, and so we just drove around and came back to the house. T'was a wonderful evening.

Come Monday we went to the stock yards. We saw lots of cool things including the worlds largest honkey-tonk. We went to a barbecue for lunch (mm...) and came back. Joseph and I played some Halo while others took naps. After another fabulous dinner and some debate due to weather, we took off. I drove first through a lot of fog. It dispersed about the time that I switched drivers. We drove through the night until we got to Amarillo.

Ok, so actually we got to Amarillo on Tuesday at about 2:30. The weather had been getting worse and worse, and we were driving through strong wind and some snow when we stopped. We called the weather service and found that the interstate 40 was closed due to blizzard. So, we were stuck. We started at a Flying J - Denny's. We originally thought that the road was just going to be closed until 5:00 AM, so we waited for that. When 5:00 came around, I-40 was now officially closed and we decided to go into Denny's. Kathryn and I bought some hot chocolate (it was delicious, the whipped cream fantastic and only $2). After our first cup, Kathryn discovered that it had unlimited refills. It was a wonderful discovery. Christina, Elisabeth and Josh came in as well, but didn't buy anything. Everyone was really tired (though I didn't really feel it that much). About 7:00 we tried the interstate only to find that it was, indeed, actually closed. So we stopped by a McDonalds (Christina wanted to get a spicy chicken sandwich) only to find nothing but breakfast food, and then parked at Walmart and slept for a few hours. We got up, then tried the freeway again, failed, and went to another McDonalds (after getting lost and finding a large granary-type thing). It was still breakfast food, so we just sat there and waited. I had a book to read, but Kathryn and Christina decided to take this time to do yoga in the corner. We were all pretty tired. When lunch food finally came, we all ate as much as we wanted, regardless of price. Finally, I-40 was open at about noon, so we took off. Josh was manly and drove through the tricky parts of the freeway. We got to Albuquerque, then took off toward Monticello. We had dinner at Grandma's house, then got home to Provo at about...

2:30 AM on Wednesday morning.