Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life Update

Life in Provo.

1. Classes

- a. Physics Classes

- i. Quantum Mechanics
This class is fun. My teacher is French, so that adds to the flavor of the class.

- ii. Electrostatics and Magnetostatics
This class is math intensive. My professor is Dr. Mason. He's cool. I really enjoy this class.

- iii. GRE Prep
So I am going to be taking the Physics GRE on Oct. 9. I need this class.

- iv. Careers in physics
I haven't actually started this class yet: it is a block class and is in the next half-semester.

- b. Other Classes

- i. Writings of Isaiah
I really enjoy this class. I am learning a lot from Dr. Ludlow, my teacher. I recommend it.

- ii. Social Dance
Who could have guessed that I would like dancing? :)

- iii. Matrix Analysis
So I am a little crazy, as this is a graduate level math class that I am taking voluntarily.

2. Temple Work
The temple is really nice. I work on Saturday mornings now. I feel that I am learning a lot. If any of you are in the temple with me, I would be happy to share some things that I have been taught by our temple presidency.

3. Ward
I am a co-chair of the activities committee. We recently had our ward opening social, and people tell me it was a big success. I was kind of stressed out at the time, so I don't consider myself a good judge of it. It seemed as though people enjoyed themselves, though. The next party we are going to have is probably going to be in October sometime.

4. Research
At 4:00 today (Tuesday Sept. 14) I am going to go to my adviser's office and submit my first paper, myself being first author. Yeah, I'm pretty excited. It is about exploding balloons as demonstrations for graduate level acoustics classes. If anyone wants, I can explain it to you.

Well, I hope that this outline is better than the nothing that I have been posting recently. Enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of things not koala related. :)