Sunday, March 29, 2009

Potatoe Fest #2!

So, this week we did a student designed experiment in my Physics 145 class.  We decided that we were going to find out the internal resistance of a potatoe battery.  So we brought a bundle (26) potatoes and one lemon, brought out the pennies and zink-screws and built a potatoe battery!  When we connected them all together we got a 20.7 volt battery!  Sadly, the internal resistance is huge (we aren't quite sure yet what it is; we are going to finalize it this week) that there is practically no current.  We measured the current in micro-Amps.
This is the full battery, minus the lemon, that we built.  We tried to light a diode with it, but there wasn't enough current.  So, we charged a capacitor for about 12 seconds, and discharged it through the diode, and it turned on for a moment.  It was lots of fun.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Interstate 15

Here is the interstate from my description.


Well, this is my first blog that I have created and my first entry, so I suppose that I should explain why I am doing this.

My brothers and sisters have created blogs, but most of them are from my married siblings.  I think this is fine, as I don't get the chance to see them very often, as two of them live in Ohio.  Then my younger sister, Kathryn, made a blog.  She is not married.  I thought, Wait, she's not married, but she still has a blog!  So I decided that it wasn't だめ for me to get one, too.  But I still didn't particularly want one until I got married.

Then came today, Sunday 22 March 2009.  I 
was looking about my siblings' blogs and realized that I kind of wanted one too.  I suppose I finally just caved in.  So, here it is.

For those who don't already know me, my name is Michael Boone Muhlestein, I am currently 22 years old, served and LDS mission to Japan, Nagoya, have a strong and abiding testimony of the truthfullness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, am currently studying physics at Brigham Young University, trying to date and eventually get married, really like food in general and in specific, come from a family of 11 children, all of whom I love, and two parents, who are amazing.  I have been truly born of goodly parents who love the Lord.

So, here I am, ready to attempt at keeping up a semi-current blog as to what I either do or think.  May it turn out alright.